Directed by Doug Ellin. With Kevin Connolly, Adrian Grenier, Kevin Dillon, Jerry Ferrara. Movie star Vincent Chase, together with his boys Eric, Turtle, and Johnny “Entourage,” the much-anticipated big-screen version of the award-winning hit HBO series, reunites the show’s original cast. Own Entourage on Digital HD 8/25 or Entourage is a 2015 American comedy-drama film directed by Doug Ellin. It serves as a continuation of the HBO TV series of the same name. It stars the principal cast Entourage - Search for movie plot, trailers, cast and crew, photos, reviews, and tickets online at MoviefoneWith Kevin Connolly, Adrian Grenier, Kevin Dillon, Jerry Ferrara. Film star Vince Chase navigates the vapid terrain of Los Angeles with a close circle of friends and 'Entourage' Movie Prequel Short Gives Ari Gold a New Cadillac. Check out the Entourage short film with Jeremy Piven and Perrey Reeves below, and stay tuned for more The official website for Entourage on HBO, featuring videos, images, schedule information and episode guides.EXCLUSIVE: Vinnie Chase and Ari Gold are back, baby. Warner Bros has tonight given the greenlight on a movie version of Entourage, the HBO series that ran from 2004-2011.Entourage showtimes and movie theaters. Buy Entourage movie tickets on Fandango.Adrian Grenier, Kevin Connolly, Jerry Ferrara, Kevin Dillon and Jeremy Piven star in ENTOURAGE, in theaters June 5th! http
Minggu, 09 Agustus 2015
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